Sunday, May 17, 2009

Character for the three weeks ahead: Kit Fisto

Kit Fisto was a renowned male Nautolan Jedi Master in the waning years of theGalactic Republic. In 41 BBY he took Bant Eerin as his Padawan. He later had Nahdar Vebb as his Padawan. During the Clone Wars, he served as a High Jedi General in theGrand Army of the Republic, as well as a member of the Jedi High Council.

Fisto participated in and survived the Battle of Geonosis and led a team in the assault during the 

Battle of Mon Calamari (Clone Wars). Fisto was also present at Kamino, where he pushed the limits of the Jedi Code with his relationship with fellow Jedi Aayla Secura, whose life he saved during the battle.

On a mission to Vassek, Fisto came face to face with General Grievous, nearly defeating the Jedi killer. However, the tide of the battle changed when Grievous activated his personal droid bodyguards and then slew Fisto's newly Knighted former padawan, Nahdar Vebb.

At the height of the Clone Wars, he assisted Obi-wan Kenobi on Ord Cestus and subsequently dueled with Asajj Ventress in order to stop the manufacturing of the Jedi Killer droids. Finally, after years of being considered for a seat on the Jedi Council, Fisto was appointed to the august body due to his exemplary achievements during the Clone Wars.

After being appointed to the Council, Fisto was dispatched with Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker to Cato Neimoidia on a mission to capture Nute Gunray. Gunray barely escaped the encounter with the three famous Jedi.

During the Battle of Coruscant, Fisto aided in the aerial battle against the Separatist invasion forces.

Upon Anakin Skywalker’s revelation that Palpatine was in fact Darth Sidious, Fisto, along with Mace Windu, Agen Kolar, and Saesee Tiin, attempted to arrest the Supreme Chancellor, but failed. In that final confrontation with the scheming Sith Lord, Fisto perished at the hands of Darth Sidious.

Versus for the three weeks ahead: Asajj Ventress VS General Grievous

These two are at the place where the epic battle of Grievous and Obi-wan took place. Who do you think will win? Post your comments here.

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Sunday, April 26, 2009

Character of the three weeks ahead: Darth Plagueis

Darth Plagueis, also known as Darth Plagueis the Wise, was a Muun Dark Lord of the Sith, heir to the lineage of Darth Bane and a master of midi-chlorian manipulation, who lived during the century leading up to the Battle of Naboo. Obsessed with eternal life, Plagueis experimented with ways to cheat death and create new life from the midi-chlorians.

He played a large role in galactic events, inciting Darth Sidious, whom he trained in the ways of the Sith and the dark side of the Force, to take control of the galaxy and bring about an age of the Sith. Sidious, concerned with being replaced as Plagueis' apprentice, eventually killed the 

Muun in his sleep. The legend of Plagueis was later used by Sidious to sway Anakin Skywalker to the dark side, though Plagueis himself remained a mysterious figure to the Jedi and their allies well into the time of the Galactic Alliance.

Versus of the three weeks ahead: Anakin Skywalker V.S. Darth Sion

These two are in the arena shown in Episode IIWho do you think will win? Post your comments here.

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Sunday, April 5, 2009

Character of the three weeks ahead: IG Assassin Droid

The IG assassin droid is a cold, efficient killer. Roughly humanoid in shape, the IG droid stands approximately 2 meters tall. It's weapons complement includes a repeating blaster cannon in each forearm, a concussion grenade launcher built into the left hip, a sonic stunner, a paralysis cord and 
a rack of poison gas canisters. The mirrored palm in its left hand is capable of deflecting blaster bolts. Finally, the IG droid is capable of dramatically raising the temperature of its exterior plating, allowing it to burn through nets and other restraining devices.

Versus of the three weeks ahead: Captain Rex V.S. IG Assassin Droid   

These two are in the illegal droid dealer's ship's room where Anakin and Ahsoka were attacked by two IG Assassin Droids.
Who do you think will win? Post your comments here.

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