Sunday, April 5, 2009

Character of the three weeks ahead: IG Assassin Droid

The IG assassin droid is a cold, efficient killer. Roughly humanoid in shape, the IG droid stands approximately 2 meters tall. It's weapons complement includes a repeating blaster cannon in each forearm, a concussion grenade launcher built into the left hip, a sonic stunner, a paralysis cord and 
a rack of poison gas canisters. The mirrored palm in its left hand is capable of deflecting blaster bolts. Finally, the IG droid is capable of dramatically raising the temperature of its exterior plating, allowing it to burn through nets and other restraining devices.

Versus of the three weeks ahead: Captain Rex V.S. IG Assassin Droid   

These two are in the illegal droid dealer's ship's room where Anakin and Ahsoka were attacked by two IG Assassin Droids.
Who do you think will win? Post your comments here.

Have a suggestion for a Versus? Send your suggestions to:

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